CITRAT, LETRA e GREAT | Webinar: Presentation of The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Literary Translation: Delfina Cabrera e Denise Kripper

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(11) 3091-5041
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John Milton
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The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Literary Translation* offers an understanding of translation in Latin America both at a regional and transnational scale. Broad in scope, it is devoted
primarily to thinking comprehensively and systematically about the intersection of literary translation and Latin American literature, with a curated selection of original essays that critically engage with translation theories and practices outside of hegemonic Anglo centers.

In this introductory volume, through survey and case-study chapters, contributing authors cover literary and cultural translation in the region historically, geographically, and linguistically. From the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, the chapters focus on issues ranging from the role of translation in the construction of national identities to the challenges of translation in the current digital age. Areas of interest expand from the United States to the Southern Cone, including the Caribbean and Brazil, as well as the impact of Latin American literature internationally, and paying attention to translation from and to indigenous languages; Portuguese, English, French, German, Chinese, Spanglish, and more. The first of its kind in English, this Handbook aims to shed light on different translation approaches and invite a rethinking of intercultural and interlingual exchanges from Latin American viewpoints.

Delfina Cabrera is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Portuguese-Brasilianische Institut of the Universität zu Köln. She is an active literary translator and the author of *Living languages: Zones of
exile and translation in Manuel Puig* .

Denise Kripper is an Associate Professor at Lake Forest College and the Translation Editor at *Latin American Literature Today.* She is an active literary translator and the author of *Narratives of Mistranslation: Fictional Translators in Latin American Literature.*
